github AudiusProject/audius-protocol @audius/creator-node@0.3.74
Creator Node 0.3.74

latest releases: protocol-v0.6.139, protocol-v0.6.138, protocol-v0.6.137...
17 months ago

Full Changelog:
[60623fe] - Fix CN reconfig + enable entitymanager locally (#4579)
[d357210] - Change CN legacy URSM code to not first attempt URSM reconfig, and go straight to EM now that it is rolled out globally (#4568)
[5f1fb02] - Bump to version 0.3.74
[55afadd] - Content node typescript (#4545)
[5630e40] - [CON-534] add new required field to accessChecker trackId (#4550)
[6fb37c5] - Update CN reconfigSPIdBlacklistString #4537
[4d63ba1] - Default EM users in content node (#4536)
[499a9a4] - Periodically add blacklisted items to redis (#4532)
[44fa496] - Tracks stream optimizations pt 2 (#4527)
[d548786] - Content node /track/stream optimizations (#4522)
[4f05631] - Add metrics for total unmigrated files (#4515)
[4c2c624] - Cache CN SPFactory calls (#4516)
[770181b] - Re-enable CN background tasks #4521
[139fcfc] - disable storagePath migrations (#4518)
[27c5235] - disable backgroundDiskCleanupCheckEnabled (#4517)
[e4be366] - Fix CN stack too deep error & hopefully CPU maxing out (#4507)
[64149b8] - Remove mismatched CID check from storagePath migrations (#4504)

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