New Minimal Arch Linux based Distribution for Pentesting
- Implemented BlackArch repository
- Implemented Athena Calamares Installer
- Implemented Burn My Window
- Implemented Fly-Pie
- Implemented Sweet Dark theme
- Implemented JetBrains Nerd fonts
- Implemented FISH as default shell
- Deployed security tool extensions on Firefox ESR
- Implemented Hyper and Cool Retro Term as Terminals
- Implemented candy icons and sweet folders
- Implemented Visual Studio Code OSS with custom themes
- Implemented payloads bar
- Implemented cutie FISH prompt
- Implemented PowerShell
- Implemented command aliases
- Deployed background on Login Screen
- Implemented lsd
- Implemented bat
- Implemented Vim with awesome plugins
If you detect any issues during your experience, please open an issue on athena-iso GitHub repository.