github AstarNetwork/Astar runtime-1300

2 days ago


This update introduces two new extrinsics for the dAppStaking pallet:

  • move_stake: This feature allows users to reallocate their staked voting bonuses among dApps while keeping the bonus reward. The maximum number of moves is configurable via the MaxBonusMovesPerPeriod parameter, which is set to 2.
  • set_static_tier_params: This feature allows for the dynamic modification of tier-related dApp staking parameters and requires Root privileges.

Additionally, this update includes fixes for the dAppStaking protocol:

  • [medium] SingularStakingInfo Invariant: The previous_staked value now only retains information from previous eras, preventing future stakes from affecting past operations - 499b5f4.
  • [medium] EraInfo Stake Amount Invariant: An issue where future stakes reduced rewards for users who staked and unstaked within the same era has been resolved - 5cd0b23.
  • [minor] Account Ledger Invariant: The number of contracts staked in an account ledger now remains consistent, even when unstaking from an unregistered contract.

This update also fixes the fee calculation via the xcmPaymentApi and removes unused calls and types from the pallet-treasury. These calls were incorrectly used in governance and have been removed since they were non-functional.



✨ spec_version:                1300
🏋 Runtime Size:                2397892
🗜 Compressed:                  Yes
🎁 Metadata version:            14
🗳️ sha256:                      0xeb1b8dbd3c679defd01cc4ad97f440faa4c53c4f77b7b72d5820b066eb8e8d92
🗳️ blake2-256:                  0x1462f3b51ffc705cb998bf70d4446712f18cd8e0aa3b2fd8e90c7f7d5e90e11b
📦 IPFS:                        QmfTSKttpJu2SdXTUNEL5CQ1DzwpPQDNbMPzqhTFoCyNfa


✨ spec_version:                1300
🏋 Runtime Size:                2215286
🗜 Compressed:                  Yes
🎁 Metadata version:            14
🗳️ sha256:                      0x307f5bc7a7c51ae12e6a8a14b8b5082059d32f0d8fde239e7f76be4e3a4601b3
🗳️ blake2-256:                  0xf6537484bcf0d6a29417bb002f4b0de4d6123528b967f74728aa6a5fff834450
📦 IPFS:                        QmaXwUoiKYsS2F4Cw6hb4PUKFWukRmEk2YprXwnd887hiu


✨ spec_version:                1300
🏋 Runtime Size:                2358027
🗜 Compressed:                  Yes
🎁 Metadata version:            14
🗳️ sha256:                      0x635bb2556cfe4d01d21173042caaad2507b569d0e1e0a832b04ff8779b8e0a7b
🗳️ blake2-256:                  0x9f34b18fea32fe00f14f4487d447d630d8ea435ff5a68cc0e207fe4022eb93fb
📦 IPFS:                        QmPrr4fejwAYKW5G6dPPyfhnyEvCbB99bjJ8qRLgorqJfT

Build Info

WASM runtime built using rustc 1.81.0 (eeb90cda1 2024-09-04)



  • Fix for XCM payment api report (#1399)
  • pallet-treasury cleanup (#1416)
  • feat(dAppStaking): Move actions for bonus rewards (#1418)
  • Tier param setting call (#1421)
  • runtime-1300 release prep (#1424)


  • fix: unused imports removed (#1393)
  • fix ci env (#1394)
  • Mocks updated to use TestDefaultConfig (#1410)
  • Bump tarpaulin version (#1408)
  • Update contributing doc (#1417)

Dependency Changes

Astar: runtime-1200...runtime-1300
Polkadot-sdk: paritytech/polkadot-sdk@b98e0b3...b98e0b3
Frontier: AstarNetwork/frontier@68d63a3...68d63a3

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