github ArkEcosystem/core 2.3.0

latest releases: 3.9.1, 3.9.0, 3.8.2...
5 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the wallets table from the database (#2209)
    • Core 2.0 has been fully reliant on in-memory wallets since the 2.0 release. This only removes the dumping of wallets into the database as it is wasted space and doesn't serve any purpose.
    • If you have applications that rely on the database you should migrate them as soon as possible to using the API as only that data is provided in real-time.
  • Replace SQLite3 with lowdb in core-webhooks (#2124)
    • This significantly reduces the size of the package and it's dependencies.
    • This requires you to recreate your webhooks as the storage method changed.
  • Replaced core-logger-winston with core-logger-pino (#2134)
    • This significantly improves performance of logging when it occurs a lot in situations like syncing or rollbacks.
  • Rewrote core-tester-cli from scratch (#2133)
  • Merged core-debugger-cli into core-tester-cli and deprecated it (#2133)
  • Use the node.js EventEmitter from events instead of eventemitter3 (#2329)


  • Implement AIP29 (#2122)
  • Search delegates by their username in core-api (#2143)
  • Implemented the ark reinstall command in core (#2192)
  • Added the --force flag to the ark update command in core (#2190)
  • Added more parameters for delegate searches in core-api (#2184)
  • Added restart flags to the ark update command in core (#2218)
  • Added the make:block command to core-tester-cli to create blocks (#2221)
  • Added the core-error-tracker-rollbar package (#2287)
  • Added the core-error-tracker-raygun package (#2288)
  • Added the core-error-tracker-airbrake package (#2289)
  • Added the core-logger-signale package (#2343)
  • Added more events for blocks and the transaction pool (#2321)
  • Return slip44 and wif via v2/node/configuration (#2388)
  • Added an asset column to the transactions table (#2236)


  • Properly sort peers by their version (#2229)
  • Memory leak in the monitoring process of core-forger (#2341)
  • Handle dynamic round sizes with milestones (#2370)
  • Validate that a transaction recipient is on the same network (#2394)
  • Handle empty rows in mapBlocksToTransactions (#2404)
  • Prevent indexing/creating of ghost wallets (#2405)
  • Refuse transactions from senders with pending second signature registrations and do not rollback when refusing a block (#2458)


  • Increased the vendor field length to 255 bytes (#2159)
  • Replaced micromatch with nanomatch to improve performance (#2165)
  • Replaced axios with got to resolve known timeout issues with axios (#2203)
  • Switch block id to full SHA256 (#2156)


  • Removed dead fast rebuild code that hasn't been used since 2.0 release (#2210)

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