github AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2 v8.3.0
8.3.0 for Forge on Minecraft 1.16.5

latest releases: forge/v15.2.1, fabric/v15.2.0, forge/v15.2.0...
3 years ago

Forge 36.0.21 is now required (or newer)

Feature #1987/#4273: Interface Terminal UI Improvement

The interface terminal now has a terminal style button similar to the other terminals and allows more interfaces to be shown at the same time.

Thanks to @markfowden for the initial implementation.

Feature #3870: Use recipes for the entropy manipulator.

On top of the existing functionality of being able to smelt any block with a valid smelting recipe as well as being a flint and steel replacement, the entropy manipulator can now use customized cooling and heating recipes.

A detailed example recipe.

  "type": "appliedenergistics2:entropy",
  "mode": "TYPE", # "heat" or "cool"
  "input": { # At least one key
    "block": {  # optional, either this or fluid needs to be present. Or both
      "id": "block:id", # id of the input block
      "properties": { # totally optional
        "A": 1, # exactly this state of A
        "B": [1,3,5], # Any value of B
        "C": { # An inclusive range of C
          "min": 1,
          "max": 3
    "fluid": { # optional, either this or block needs to be present. Or both
      "id": "fluid:id" # id of the input fluid
      "properties": { # totally optional
        "A": 1, # exactly this state of A
        "B": [1,3,5], # Any value of B
        "C": { # An inclusive range of C
          "min": 1,
          "max": 3
  "output": { # Should have at least one key, if not it might simply destroy the block and fluid.
    "block": { # optional
      "id": "block:id", # id of the output block
      "keep": false, # setting it to try will to preserve property from the input. Like the orientation of stairs, but also if different types share the same property
      "properties": { # totally optional, can be combined with `keep`, if so the properties will take precedence over it.
        "A": 1 # sets this blockstate property
    "fluid": { # optional
      "id": "fluid:id" # id of the output fluid
      "keep": false, # setting it to try will to preserve property from the input. Like the orientation of stairs, but also if different types share the same property
      "properties": { # totally optional, can be combined with `keep`, if so the properties will take precedence over it.
        "A": 1 # sets this fluidstsate property
    "drops": [ # optional, can contain more than one entry. Can be combined with other options to change the block or fluid and drop items.
        "item": "item:id", # id of the item
        "count": 1 # how many it should drop

Feature #4966: Network wide chunk loader (Spatial Anchor)

Block and item textures are gratefully provided by @Ridanisaurus

Added a network wide which keeps the whole ME Network it is attached chunkloaded in the same dimension.
Each other dimensions need an additional anchor, this is a limitation of Forge.
Remote locations within the same dimension do not need additional chunkloaders.

The UI of the spatial anchors provides a basic overview about its own energy consumption and how many chunks it loads.
As well as how many chunks and worlds this network currently spans and how many of these are actually chunkloaded by our chunk loader
Further it provides a toggle to display all loaded chunks with an in world overlay. This can be used to easily extend it to cover machines of other mods.

For server owners not wanting this functionality it is recommended to simply disable the recipe. Otherwise there is currently nothing planed besides what forge itself offers at a global level to limit them.

Feature #4972: Cables and a few other blocks can now be placed under water

This includes all cables, both skystone chests, charged quartz fixture, and light detecting fixture

Important This required a semantic change IFacadePart#getBoxes(IPartCollisionHelper ch, boolean itemEntity);. The boolean now indicates when an ItemEntity collides with a facade an no longer a LivingEntity.
However there should be no other mods affected by it currently.

Please use 3rd party documentation about valid options for each block or fluid.
We avoid setting invalid combinations, but in some cases it might work unexpected. E.g. the direction might be flipped when converting between different block types.

For further examples take a look at the provided recipes by us.

Feature #5135: Added recipes for the new and larger portable cells.

The recipe for them were not added previously as their properties were not fully set in stone.
To avoid potential issues, no recipes did exists in case these would change again.

Various changes and bugfixes

Feature #4136: Allow inverter cards to be used for fluid cells
Inverter cards can now be used for all fluid cells similar to item cells. E.g. to allow anything but water.

Feature #4625: Consider using PreventRemoteMovement for seeds
This will prevent seeds from being picked up by magnets supporting this tag while growing. Once they are fully grown the tag is removed and magnets are free to pick them up again.

Fixes #4753: Internal consistency fix for "hand swinging" animation when using items
This should prevent the tool from being swung twice from various causes like a higher latency.

Fixes #4754: Allow reporting parts (terminals, monitors, etc.) to be rotated again
Useful to rotate terminals placed in a floor or ceiling to match a prefered direction.
Vertically placed ones will always be placed with the top facing up, for horizontally ones it will take the direction a player takes into account and place the top side facing away from the player.

Fixes #4996: Forge 1.16.5-36.0.34 broke all rotatable models using multipart models
Forge did a breaking change with this release prevent some of our blocks to be rotated visually. The change will be at least backwards compatible with our minimum requirement.

Fixes #5004: Prevent AEBaseTileEntity#saveChanges() leaking client TEs
This will prevent clientside tile entites from being ticked on the server

Fixes #5017: Skip border chunks until ready.
Due chunks are now loaded in minecraft, it can happen that chunks at the border of the loaded area are stuck in a limbo.
Hence our tile entities had a change to never be initialized.

Fixes #5021: Disable EU conversion until IC2 is ported.
As IC2 (or any alternative generating EU) does not exists for 1.16 for now, we disabled the option to calculate the energy consumption in EU.
Once this changes, it will be added back.

Fixes #5040: Fixes to chest closing sound timings. (Thanks @markfowden)
This is now consistent with the behaviour of a vanilla chest.

Fixes #5053: Notify TileEntity after being moved to update their state
Some blocks like chests would not be correctly updated after being moved with a spatial transport, this should now be taken care of.

Fixes #5055: Temporary load an area after a spatial transport to allow transporting a spatial anchor+quantum bridge into a spatial cell and having it work.
Adds a small grace period after a spatial anchor is transfered in or out of a spatial dimension to ensure it can still load the network.
Note: It will not cover exceptionally large cells, these might still need a player visit to be fullied loaded once.

Fixes #5061: Use "sneaking" (shift-key held) instead of "crouch pose" to determine alternate-use mode for AE2 items.
Previously it would prevent holding shift + space during flying from being able to wrench parts. Also it could cause the wrench to act as shift clicking when the player is forced into a crouch pose, e.g. through entering a space slightly smaller than 2 blocks in height.

Fixes #5069: Fix crash on chunk unload in worlds without any AE2 tiles
The setup needed for each world would not run correctly without any AE2 tile being placed already.

Fixes #5083: Send forge capabilities to the client-side for items using them to be picked back up from ME Terminals.
This should now allow to pick up any item from a terminal and not prevent in some very rare cases.
Note: This can result very minor increase the network traffic when taking something from a terminal, with a few exception when some items store massive amounts of data. This is sadly a limitation in forge and their item capability implementation making it very hard to map a client side itemstack to a serverside one.

Fixes #5096: Fix CME during tile init when multiblocks load adjacent chunks.
Some AE2 multiblocks need to be loaded completely for now. Which cannot be fully resolved without an API break and therefore is pushed back to 9.0 or later.

Change #5099: Use fastutil for the internal ItemList data
This should provide a small performance increase under extremely heavy loads.
Pretty much will have no noticable effect for a player, but makes testing some massive edge cases more managable.

Fixes #5109: Don't mutate the item list while iterating over it.
Would otherwise result in a crash sometimes.

Fixes #5120: Always remove a cable bus once empty.
Under very rare conditions a cable tile entity could be left empty instead of being fully removed and prevent players from placing any other block there besides another AE2 cable or part.

Fixes #5132: Rare crash in crafting status screen when data for CPU arrived late on the client
A high latency could cause the name of a crafting cpu to not be present yet and crash.

Fixes #5137: Quartz ore and skystone did not require a tool
These blocks could be incorrectly broken by hand and still drop the matching blocks or items. Albeitly very slowly.

Fixes #5147: Improved compatibility with mods that would chunk-load during the world-load event (i.e. fluxnetworks)

Fixes #5158: When a pattern provides more than requested, the cpu could still wait on more while completing a job
This now resets the list of items the cpu is currently to correctly ignore any overflow.

Fixes #5172: Crash when an unbreakable stack of a damageable item entered certain parts of the network

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