github AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2 rv5.stable.3
Build rv5.stable.3

latest releases: neoforge/v18.1.1-alpha, neoforge/v18.1.0-alpha, neoforge/v18.0.1-alpha...
6 years ago

Updated to latest Forge RB ( Necessary to avoid broken recipes in earlier versions. - yueh

Feature #3231: Add CraftTweaker support - fscan

Changes #3246: Revert DamageableRecipe changes. Now fixed by Forge. - fscan

Changes #3247: Deprecate AE2 recipe system to indicate that they are going away soon. - fscan

Fixes #932: Fire ExplosionEvent.Detonate when tiny TNT explodes. - yueh

Fixes #3238: Rework ContainerInscriber validation to Correctly handle metadata wildcard for inscriber inputs - fscan

Fixes #3248: Remove swingArm in IToolHammer implementation. - fscan

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