- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/rest-api] Add
to the filtering options in/search/artifacts
#5535 - [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/storage] Support generic JDBC properties #5513
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/high][area/auth] OIDC 401 (Unauthorized) error when configured with Keycloak or Azure AD in EKS #5478
- [type/task][component/registry][priority/blocker] Upgrade Registry to use Quarkus 3.15 #5477
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/high][area/ui][area/rest-api][3.x] UI does not load artifact tabs with URL reserved characters in name #5460
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/high][area/storage][3.x] Connection to Postgres database closed #5458
- [component/registry][priority/high][3.x][area/documentation] OIDC environment variables being ignored when using Azure AD #5443
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/storage][3.x] Add prefix to group names in KafkaSQL storage to better suport Kafka ACLs #5441
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/normal][area/serdes] Apicurios implementation of KafkaSeraializer/Deserializer cant deal with a wrapper type using unions #5437
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/normal][area/rest-api] Create missing Group entities when importing #5401
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/ui] Unable to run UI from a base path that is NOT "/" #5396
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/normal][area/ui][area/storage] UI and API can't run on the same hostname #5366
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/normal][area/rules][area/ccompat-api] Missing compatibility with Confluent Schema Registry API #5337
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/storage] Support for MySQL storage #5309
- [type/enhancement][Seeking Contribution][component/registry][priority/normal][area/serdes] Further improvements to Nats serdes #5215
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/storage][product/connectivity-link] Registry as a source of Events #5213
- [type/enhancement][component/registry][priority/high][area/rest-api][3.x] Include ArtifactType header in REST response to /ids/* requests #5209
- [type/enhancement] apicurio/apicurio-registry-mem:latest mapping source code version #4959
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/high][area/rest-api][area/storage] REST API POST /search/versions and POST /search/artifacts not finding artifacts in group #4934
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/high][area/rest-api][area/storage] v2 /groups list API crashes with SQL error #4933
- [type/bug][component/registry][priority/normal][area/rest-api] createArtifact not working on 3.0.0.M3 through API #4870
- [type/enhancement][area/ui][area/rest-api][area/rules][3.x] All operations under the /admin endpoint should require admin role #4852
- [type/bug][priority/normal][area/storage][3.x] Having trouble using: Legacy4ByteIdHandler #4830
- [type/enhancement][area/storage] mTLS and IAM support for Apicurio to connect AWS MSK #4332
- [type/enhancement] Create a way to upgrade Operator CRs from v2 to v3 #3471
- [type/enhancement][Beginner Friendly][component/registry][priority/normal][area/rest-api][area/rest-client] Add support for labels and properties when creating artifacts #2742
- [closed] Create an example out of Fabian's Cloud Events PoC #4515
- [type/question] Use apicurio registry to retrieve the schema #4517