- [Bug] Skip maven deploy for apicurio-registry-utils-exportV1 #1577
- [Bug] Redirect after deleting an artifact not working (MT only) #1567
- [closed] Image apicurio/apicurio-registry-streams:2.0.0.Final missing #1561
- [Bug][Discussion] ExtJsonConverter throws NPE for null schema/value #1552
- [Bug] Mismatch in ccompat mode in error_codes #1547
- [Enhancement] Investigate if it's possible to override Quarkus behaviour and disable http policies at runtime #1542
- [Bug] Field value limited at 1024 for top-level description. #1534
- [closed] Issues 1007 and 1017 are not yet fixed #1530
- [closed] Modularize Existing Monolithic Release Workflow #1527
- [Enhancement] Allow to disable security roles #1523
- [Enhancement] Create Bi-weekly job to run against Quarkus Latest Release #1518
- [Discussion][Enhancement] [question] disable direct access to API when multitenancy is enabled? #1514
- [Enhancement] Import on registry startup #1502
- [closed] Registration of schemas with same artifactId and different groupId causes error in api #1501
- [closed] Importing schemas from kafka after container restart crashes on "SELECT nextval('globalidsequence')" #1500
- [closed] Schema registry not working as expected when using confluent kafka python #1491
- [Bug] Custom versions not being handled well in the UI #1489
- [Documentation][Question] Problems running behind https #1485
- [Enhancement][Impacts Documentation] Create rest client based on vert.x web client #1481
- [Enhancement] Create spi for rest client implementations #1480
- [Bug] Wrong detection of magic byte during avro deserialization when the first field is empty #1479
- [Bug] Why limit "getArtifactVersionMetaDataByContent" request bodies to application/json? #1476
- [closed] Request: Support in python ? #1475
- [closed] Dependabot couldn't find a pom.xml for this project #1471
- [Bug] Fix workflow for building CLI images #1458
- [closed] serde security properties issues #1455
- [Question] Data serialized by AvroKafkaSerializer can't be deserialized by another Avro library #1451
- [Duplicate] Ccompat API should accept both application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json and application/json #1449
- [closed] JSON schema compatibility rule bug: no change but neither forward nor backward compatible #1443
- [Bug] Error loading Registry UI on https #1442
- [closed] Maven plugin call ends with ssl exception #1418
- [closed] JSON compatibility check for schemaDependencies - Object #1406
- [closed] Question about registry versioning #1398
- [closed] JSON compatibility check for object #1395
- [closed] A Strange ClassName Resouce #1393
- [Bug] JSON compatibility check for combined schema #1367
- [Question] Integration with Keycloak #1353
- [Bug] JSON compatibility check for tuple #1347
- [Task] Upgrade process from previous versions to 2.x #1339
- [Bug] JSON compatibility check for exclusive maximum/minimum #1318
- [Question] apicurio registry security in 2.x release #1244
- [Task][mas] Evaluate building a native image #1068
- [2.0.x][Enhancement][UI] UI - improve experience uploading artifact to slow storage #614
- [closed] Downloading / Publishing YAML removes quotes from strings #1447