- This is a rewrite of the entire configuration to leverage the new speed setting provided by AnkerMake. Additional changes have been made that are not listed. For a full diff of the main configuration, please look here: https://www.diffnow.com/compare-urls?url1=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/just-trey/ankermake-m5-profile/d195005c51015fb9b1d4d9afdea68b1a546ae1c4/PrusaSlicer-2.5-M5-Profile/vendor/AnkerMake.ini&url2=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ankermgmt/prusaslicer-ankermake-ce-profiles/6cdfd5c1445e05448e6bf88d7a6f7dc217adc2a2/vendor/AnkerMakeCE.ini&demo=1
- Moved to Ankermgmt organization (NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANKER)
- Moved Cura and PrusaSlicer configurations into separate repositories
- NOTE: Moving forward, this repository will contain PrusaSlicer Configurations only
- Moved the majority of configurations to an AnkerMake CE base profile.
- Moved the remaining configurations to an AnkerMake CE M5 profile.
- Added CE (Community Edition) to allow the profile to be installed separately from the built-in AnkerMake profile.
- Modified layer heights to be .5 in difference (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0)
- added three new SPEED profiles (1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
- Complete rework of speeds for all profiles
- update gcode flavor to marlin 2 to improve time estimates. (special thanks to discord member @dmbaio)
- modified extrusion widths to be similar to other profiles
- added max_volumetric_speed to base profile and also max_volumetric_speeds to filament types
- enabled new overhang speeds
- changed top layer infill to new "monotonic lines" option
- added ironing settings provided by @TheMasterOfTech