This release enables browsing anywhere in the remote filesystem and displays file sizes and sub folder count directly in the file browser.
New Features Include:
- File sizes (in powers of two e.g. MiB) and sub-directory count in the file browser
- A hidden files settings which allows hidden files and folders to be displayed and selected in the file browser with special handling for the parent dir (../)
- An added Options action which enables editing of session settings that only apply in the current file browser including hidden files and path checking
- A go to root directory (/) psudo action available in the file browser when no folders have been selected
- Path (file/folder) abilities in the server input which allow jumping straight to a directory or file useful for project directories or one-off files
- Remote command error checking to catch issues such as permission problems, deleted symlinks, or bad file/folder types. This change includes a path checking settings which can catch these issues before selection/opening using the remote
test -[e|d|x|r]
Notable Bug Fixes Involve:
- No longer needing to specify the user when connecting to a server
- File > Revert working more reliably
- Error messages no longer being written to remote when the buffer is saved
- ctrl-shift-o replacing windows-shift-o as the Windows default keybinding
- Being unable to open a file/folder starting with a dash (-)
Lastly, the remote shell requirements have been reduced and portability between *nix versions has improved. See the readme for more information.