github AnalogJ/capsulecd v3.0.11

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4 years ago
Timestamp SHA Message Author
2019-09-09T06:36Z 316988a (v3.0.11) Automated packaging of release by Packagr CapsuleCD
2019-09-09T06:28Z b44783e Merge b6a78ea into f1b8241 Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T06:28Z b6a78ea unset environmental varaibles, and restore them afterwards. Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T05:36Z 4fea96a set env variables. Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T05:13Z 3c6458b fixed pkgconfig path. Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T04:51Z 4fba47f only build linux binary for now. Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T04:40Z 36725a1 Update Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T04:19Z f1b8241 Merge pull request #118 from AnalogJ/author adding ability to specify the author, for customized jenkins builds. Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-09T01:56Z bda50ab coverage Jason Kulatunga
2019-09-05T22:54Z d496bbb adding ability to specify the author, for customized jenkins builds. set the debian frontend to non-interactive. fix sprintf. fixes. testdata config fiels should load correctly. testdata config fiels should load correctly. created a base image & fix testing generic container build workflow. retrigger retrigger use layer caching. tweaking config, build all runtime images, then save them build all runtime images, then save them save and restore generic image. use machine instead of docker images. change paths. change paths. build ruby. build ruby. build ruby. tweak test coverages to build binaries up front (in base container) tweak test coverages to build binaries up front (in base container) tweak test coverages to build binaries up front (in base container) fix coverage call fix coverage call fix coverage call use single build image, engine images can build and run in parallel. use single build image, engine images can build and run in parallel. use ruby. printing debugging data. printing debugging data. fixing entrypoint. fixing coverage generation. fixing coverage generation. print out the path for test binaries. build all artifacts. priont folder structure when oding test binaries. priont folder structure when oding test binaries. priont folder structure when oding test binaries. strip out package prefix. strip out package prefix. strip out package prefix. strip out package prefix. fixing development instructions. fix the coverage urls. fix the coverage urls. fix the coverage urls. using compressed test binaries in cache. strip the firest two components. make sure we correctly run docker ru . fixing path for test binary. fixing path for test binary. execute test binary in current context evaluate the string as a command. fix. debugging steps. parallel builds. fixes simplify builds further. using single dockerfile. adding parallel builds. cleanup parallel builds for python and node make sure gcc and build essentials are available. test suite fixes. python fixes. all mocked config values should be callable atleast one time. trying to fix Golang and Node linking issues. trying to fix Golang and Node linking issues. make sure git is installed. make sure that git is installed during build process. print git version. pull latest base images. fix copy command. commented out some mocks that are not needed. fix tests. fix error expexctation. fix error expexctation. add the current parent path to the gopath. put test repo inside gopath. put test repo inside gopath. upload coverage. trying to use worksspace to peresist coverage data fix widlcard. fix covearge path. fix covearge path.s use codecov orb. retrigger. image. image. change home. Jason Kulatunga

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