github Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor 0.8.17

latest releases: 0.10.32, 0.10.31, 0.10.30a0...
2 years ago

Create backups of your worlds.

Create backups of your worlds before opening them in Amulet.
We are not responsible if your world gets corrupt and you do not have a backup. You have been warned.

What's Changed

Added support for 1.18
German Translations (MarkHalpaap) - #440
Japanese Translations (toka7290) - #433 and #505
Traditional Chinese Translations (Euxcbsks) - #430
Korean Translations (GiftShower ) - #426
Indonesian Translations (ianz56) - #524

  • Fixed error logging when the program crashes #457
  • Stopped run_operation from being called twice #421
  • Fix build version #434

Fixes in 0.8.17a0

Fixes in 0.8.17a1

Fixes in 0.8.17a2
Fixed biome data causing Bedrock edition to crash. If you have a world that crashes I would recommend rolling back to a backup, however modifying the chunks in this version and saving should fix the issue.

Changes in 0.8.17b0

Change in 0.8.17

Full Changelog: 0.8.15...0.8.17

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