github Alex313031/Thorium-Win-AVX2 M103.0.5022.0
6th Release - M103.0.5022.0

latest releases: M120, M119.0.6045.214, M117.0.5938.157...
2 years ago
  • M103

- NOTE: The bugs have switched up on us! While I fixed the icon issue from previous M103 release, the compatibility mode bug is back on Win10/Win11. The same notes below about the user profile will be posted for a couple more releases, to allow people to see it if they don't update Thorium all the time.

- IMPORTANT: The User profile dir is now changed and set from
C:\Users$USERNAME\AppData\Local\Chromium\User Data >> C:\Users$USERNAME\AppData\Local\Thorium\User Data
To migrate, make sure the Thorium user data dir is empty, and then just copy the entire contents of the Chromium one into it.
I.E. If you havent run Thorium yet, just copy the whole User Data folder. If you've run it and then freak out because all your user profile data is gone, then delete the contents of the thorium folder and copy the contents of the Chromium one into the Thorium one.

This was done to be in line with the Thorium branding, as well as to allow side by side installations of Chromium and Thorium (including differing versions). This was already done on the Linux version for some time now, but I just now figured out where in source code you can change the install location/user data location on windows. Sorry if this disturbs your workflow.
Mac releases will also have this change soon.

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