github Albeoris/Memoria v2022.09.09
FPS Manager and other new options

latest releases: v2024.12.04, v2024.11.17, v2024.08.05...
2 years ago


In Memoria.ini:

  • The framerate at which the game runs can be customised, in order to have a smoother game and menus; shout-out to Iamgoofball for preparing the groundwork for it
  • The standard speed of the game ("Ticks per second") can be changed per module (field / battle / world map)
  • A new section [SaveFile] gives options to control auto-saves and automatic Cloud saves
  • A new option [Battle] LockEquippedAbilities changes the abilities available to be only those on currently equipped gears
  • A new option [Battle] PersistentDangerValue prevents the danger value (for random encounters) to reset in screen transitions
  • The option [Export] Battle now generates the enemy attack sequences as .seq files; see there


  • The Voice Acting system got improved and allows to play voice sounds for battle dialogs; shout-out to barkermn01 as always; see there
  • A BattlePatch.txt file can be included in mod folders in order to modify battles on top of the binary database and with extra features; see there
  • The mod manager improved a bit
  • A part of the world map database has been externalised to the folder StreamingAssets/Data/World/: these files allow to define custom ambiant colors, custom vehicle specifications and custom conditions for the world map changes and effects
  • The options WorldMusicList and MoogleFieldList are added to DictionaryPatch.txt; see there
  • The option [Memoria] LauncherLanguage in Settings.ini allows to pick the language for the launcher window independantly of the system's language
  • The application's name displays the current map informations more accuratly (mainly visible in windowed mode)
  • The damage figures are always displayed in the frame of the screen, similar to the PSX version's behaviour


  • Various fixes

Tips: Before running the patcher, make sure to (1) make a backup of your Memoria.ini file, as the new version may replace the older one and erase your custom settings, and (2) first disable the option Fix Steam Overlay in the launcher in order to update the launcher application as well (and then you can re-enable it afterwards)

@Tirlititi @barkermn01 @Albeoris

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