github Alamofire/Alamofire 5.9.0

latest release: 5.9.1
one month ago

Released on 2024-03-03. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.


  • [🔥 Experimental 🔥] WebSocketRequest, as a wrapper for URLSessionWebSocketTask. This preview release is undocumented behind @_spi(WebSocket). Its API will change in the future, especially to adopt typed throws, but it is largely feature complete, tested, and usable now. API feedback, missing use cases, and bug reports are much appreciated before it goes fully public.
  • PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file and integration with SPM, CocoaPods, and Carthage.
  • AlamofireDynamic target, to force dynamic linking in Xcode when using SPM. Only use when you know you need it.
  • AFInfo enum and a public version value to get Alamofire's current version, AFInfo.version.


  • Alamofire to require Swift 5.7.1.
  • Project structure to break apart large Request.swift file and consolidate various Request subclasses into their own files.
  • Empty type to be Sendable.
  • .swiftformat to remove duplicate rules.


  • Platform deprecation warnings in Package.swift in newer Xcode versions.
  • Alamofire.podspec after project restructuring.
  • Various documentation typos.

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