github Aiven-Open/prometheus-exporter-plugin-for-opensearch mixin-1.0.0-rc.1
Release Mixin 1.0.0-rc.1

latest releases:,,
19 months ago

New Features:

  • Initial Grafana Dashboard that included sections for:

    • Cluster high-level status: Cluster health charts and basic node counts
    • Cluster shards: Number of cluster shards in individual states (active, initializing, relocating and unassigned)
    • Thread Pools: Internal Thread Pools stats
    • System: Basic Host system metrics provided as by OpenSearch
    • Document and Latencies: Document indexing, deleting and searching stats
    • Caches: Field data and Query caches stats
    • Throttling: Indexing and merging throttling
    • JVM: Basic metrics of cluster nodes JVM (Heap and GC)
  • Initial Prometheus Alerts:

    • OpenSearchClusterNotHealthy: Cluster health status alert
    • OpenSearchBulkRequestsRejectionJumps: High increase in the node bulk request rejections count
    • OpenSearchNodeDiskWatermarkReached: High/Low disk watermark threshold has been reached on the node
    • OpenSearchJVMHeapUseHigh: High JVM Heap use on the node
    • OpenSearchHostSystemCPUHigh: Host system CPU load is high
    • OpenSearchProcessCPUHigh: OpenSearch process CPU load is high

Known issues:

  • Cluster status chart does not correctly display the cluster health (ie: Green, Yellow, Red).
  • Node DiskWatermark alerts use static thresholds value while they should be using node settings value exposed in metric (see relevant issue).

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