github AeolusUX/ArkOS-R3XS ArkOS.V2.0.04112024
ArkOS R3XS V2.0 (04112024)

10 months ago

Download Links

R33S - Google Drive | Mediafire | MEGA (Updated (04/11/2024)

R35S / R36S - Google Drive | Mediafire | MEGA (Updated (04/11/2024)

Community Maintained Image.

**HOTFIX FOR READ FROM SD 1 AND SD2 configuration files not found in /etc/emulationstation/ error.

1.Take the attached compressed file arkosbackup.tar.gz and put it in your roms/backup folder. Do not uncompress the contents! Just place the file as is in your roms/backup folder. If you don't have a backup folder in the roms folder, just create it.
2.Then go into the Emulationstation Menu, scroll to Options, hit A, then go to Advanced, hit A, then scroll all the way down to Restore Settings, hit A.
3.Once completed, reboot the device.
4.Try using the script for reading both sd cards again.

If you're having problems with this image find us at the RetroHandhelds Discord

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