github Adyen/adyen-ios 5.3.0

latest releases: 5.13.0, 5.12.0, 4.14.0...
15 months ago


func didComplete(with resultCode: SessionPaymentResultCode, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

Use the new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object instead.


The countryCode property of AdyenSession.Context is now optional to allow not including it in the /sessions request. Because this property isn't meant to be read, this breaking change shouldn't cause any build errors.


  • The Session delegate has a new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object. This ensures that the callback is compatible with potential backend changes.

    func didComplete(with result: AdyenSessionResult, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

    This replaces the removed didComplete function.

  • For Apple Pay, ApplePayConfiguration now supports the capabilities of PKPaymentRequest. Pass PKPaymentRequest when initializing Apple Pay. For example:

    public init(paymentRequest: PKPaymentRequest, allowOnboarding: Bool = false)
  • You can now set the formatting for monetary values. Use the locale property on LocalizationParameters.

  • You can now enforce a specific locale and formatting for monetary values regardless of the locale used by the shopper's device. Use LocalizationParameters(enforcedLocale: MY_LOCALE).

  • You can now configure the payment form to suggest billing addresses when the shopper starts to enter their address. Set the configuration.card.billingAddress.mode to .lookup(handler: LookupHandler).

  • For the gift cards using Drop-in, you can now configure the visibility of the security code field. Set showsSecurityCodeField (boolean) in the giftcard payment method configuration.


  • When the shopper selects a country and region in the payment form, the selection is now fullscreen and includes a search input field where the shopper can enter a value to search for.
  • For cards:
    • The address input form now shows on a separate screen.
    • Icons now have accessibility labels. When the shopper selects the Pay button, and an input field is invalid, focus moves to the field.

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