github Adyen/adyen-ios 5.14.0

17 days ago


  • Components now support integration with custom payment buttons:
    • showsSubmitButton configuration: Added a new property to hide the default submit button, enabling the use of custom buttons for more flexible payment flows.
    • Introduced submit and validate methods to allow manual initiation and validation of payment processes.
  • Update TwintSDK to v8.0.2.
  • For Twint, you can now reduce the required number of LSApplicationQueriesSchemes values. In TwintActionComponent.Configuration, set the new maxIssuerNumber property.
  • Add support for the following Boleto Bancario tx-variants:
    • Boleto Bancario Itaú (boletoBancarioItau)
    • PrimeiroPay Boleto (primeiroPayBoleto)
    • Boleto Bancario (boletoBancario)
  • Pay by Bank in the US: Now supports stored payment methods.


  • Pay by Bank in the US: Drop-in now displays supported bank logos and a confirmation screen before redirecting to the issuer for PaymentMethodType.paybybank_AIS_DD.
  • Delegated Authentication: Add an option to reset credentials on the error screen during Secure Checkout.


  • Correct type and brand values for Meal Voucher payment details.

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