Release Date - 10 November 2021
- New - Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk)
- New - License key can now be defined in code with the "ACF_PRO_LICENSE" constant
- Enhancement - Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses
- Enhancement - Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing
- Enhancement - Added support for using WordPress "Screen Options" to hide field groups in Classic Editor
- Enhancement - Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs
- Enhancement - Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the "shortcode_atts_acf" filter)
- Fix - Removed usages of PHP "extract()" function
- Fix - Fixed a security issue with user field
- Fix - Fixed a security issue with "acf_get_value()"
- Fix - Correctly set ".acf-block-preview" wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode
- Fix - Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields
- Fix - Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation
- Fix - Fixed a notice in "acf_prepare_field()"
- Fix - Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors
- Fix - Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya)
- Fix - Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas
- Fix - Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows
- i18n - Updated Polish Translations (props @Webnatural)
- Dev - Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards