Disclaimer AdGuard for Android is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.
Another round of software release life cycle complete! This version of AdGuard for Android has made its way from an unsure of itself alpha to a confident release. We have routinely updated CoreLibs, fixed a couple of bugs and compatibility issues. This time, there are no shocking features like watching YouTube without ads but this release is no less important than the previous one. After all, we are getting better with every update!
- [Enhancement] CoreLibs updated to v1.7.189 #3749
- [Fixed] Filtering doesn't work with 4G and IPv6 #3527
- [Fixed] An error when trying to get a trial period via the app #3691
- [Fixed] hepsiburada.com - HTTPS filtering issue #1406
- [Fixed] blockchain.com is broken #1411
- [Fixed] Compatibility issues
- [Other] Several popular Wi-Fi calling servers added to the default exclusions list #3742
- [Other] HTTPS filtering for Vivaldi Snapshot browser is enabled by default now #3741