Disclaimer AdGuard for Android is not an open-source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.
Today we are launching a small but still very important beta. Namely, the compatibility with the new Chrome 87 was improved and the CoreLibs was updated.
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
This week Chrome 87 was released, which has a compatibility problem with AdGuard when using the HTTP/2 filtering protocol - some sites may experience regular hangs and download errors. In this update we have improved HTTP/2 filtering compatibility with Chrome 87, it is recommended to upgrade to the new stable version as soon as possible. :)
- [Enhancement] Add com.huawei.browser to the list of browsers #3495
- [Enhancement] Enable forcibly HTTPs filtering for the Firefox Fenix browser #3617
- [Enhancement] Option to watch Youtube videos ad-free by sharing them to AdGuard #2994
- [Fixed] Does not filter plain HTTP when it uses a non-standard port #1366
- [Fixed] Compatibility issues
Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.150
- [Enhancement] Improve socket connect with hostname provided (for Proxy mode) #123
- [Enhancement] Indicate libraries versions #1150
- [Fixed] `$badfilter` rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
- [Other] $generichide rule causes that assistant is showing that AdGuard is disabled #7
- [Other] Connection error after waking computer from sleep mode #3412