github AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension v4.2.208-beta
4.2.208 beta

latest releases: v5.1.62, v5.0.188-beta, v5.0.188...
pre-release16 months ago

Hopefully, this update will bring something nice into your everyday browsing — at least if you’re a YouTube or Android user.

Addressing YouTube’s ad blocker detection

Some users reported that AdGuard was detected on the YouTube website — they could not watch videos without disabling the extension. To address this issue, we’ve updated our scriptlets.

Adapting for Firefox on Android

Firefox for Android is making changes, and we’re keeping up. To continue working with Android, the extension for Firefox now uses event pages. But this change is rather unnoticeable.



  • Remove unclickable space between menu items #2198

  • Automatically fill out OS name and version when reporting incorrect blocking #2535


  • Labels of radio buttons and checkboxes are not clickable in the rule wizard #2204

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules)

Important for filter maintainers

  • Add !#else pre-processor directive support #20

How to install beta:

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