github AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNForAndroid v2.12-beta-1
2.12 Beta 1

pre-release17 hours ago

In this update, we’re introducing two major changes: post-quantum cryptography and web-based authorization. The first feature is designed to future-proof your security, and the second one — to simplify the way you log in to AdGuard services.

Let's start with post-quantum cryptography — an essential step in ensuring that your data remains protected as technology evolves. Quantum computers are advancing at a rapid pace, and while they're not yet a threat, they could potentially break current encryption methods in the future. To stay ahead of this risk, we’ve implemented post-quantum cryptography to protect your data from emerging threats.

Here’s how you can enable post-quantum cryptography:

  1. Open the AdGuard VPN app.

  2. Go to Settings → General → Advanced.

  3. Turn Post-quantum cryptography on.

The second major change is the move of the authorization process to the web. Now, whenever you log in or create an account, you’ll be taken to a browser page where you can access your AdGuard account and log in seamlessly.

What’s the benefit of web-based authorization?

  • It allows us to maintain the service more efficiently, identifying and resolving issues faster.

  • You’ll have a consistent process and interface across all devices.

  • You can use password managers and enable autocomplete for a quicker login experience.

  • We’ve added a Use one-time code instead option, so if you’ve forgotten your password or prefer not to use it, we’ll send you a temporary code via email to log in.

Finally, we’ve also made important improvements to the VPN client itself, enhancing the app’s performance and stability.


VPN client (AdGuard VPN protocol implementation)

  • VPN client updated to v0.15.40 #540

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