github AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome v0.108.0-b.27
AdGuard Home v0.108.0-b.27

latest releases: v0.107.51, v0.108.0-b.56, v0.107.50...
pre-release15 months ago

Changes compared to the previous beta, v0.108.0-b.26. See for all changes.

Full changelog


  • Go version has been updated, both because Go 1.18 has reached end of life and to prevent the possibility of exploiting the Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.19.6.


  • The ability to disable statistics by using the new statistics.enabled field. Previously it was necessary to set the statistics_interval to 0, losing the previous value (#1717, #4299).

  • The ability to exclude domain names from the query log or statistics by using the new querylog.ignored or statistics.ignored fields (#1717, #4299). The UI changes are coming in the upcoming releases.


Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 14 to 16.

  • Property statistics_interval, which in schema versions 15 and earlier used to be a part of the dns object, is now a part of the statistics object:

    # BEFORE:
      'statistics_interval': 1
    # AFTER:
      'interval': 1

    To rollback this change, move the property back into the dns object and change the schema_version back to 15.

  • The fields dns.querylog_enabled, dns.querylog_file_enabled, dns.querylog_interval, and dns.querylog_size_memory have been moved to the new querylog object.

    # BEFORE:
      'querylog_enabled': true
      'querylog_file_enabled': true
      'querylog_interval': '2160h'
      'querylog_size_memory': 1000
    # AFTER:
      'enabled': true
      'file_enabled': true
      'interval': '2160h'
      'size_memory': 1000

    To rollback this change, rename and move properties back into the dns object, remove querylog object and querylog.ignored property, and change the schema_version back to 14.


  • Go 1.19 support. Future versions will require at least Go 1.20 to build.


  • Failing service installation via script on FreeBSD (#5431).

  • Setting the AD (Authenticated Data) flag on responses that have the DO (DNSSEC OK) flag set but not the AD flag (#5479).

  • Client names resolved via reverse DNS not being updated (#4939).

  • The icon for League Of Legends on the Blocked services page (#5433).


  • Go 1.18 support, as it has reached end of life.

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