github AdguardTeam/AdGuardDNSClient v0.0.2
AdGuardDNS Client v0.0.2

10 days ago

We hear some people say that our changelogs aren't very exciting; we'd like to dispel that myth. In this update of AdGuardDNS Client, you'll find one regular bugfix, several security bugfixes, and even one bugfix/workaround specifically for macOS! And if that's somehow not enough, we even added a full-scale ARM64 Windows support.

See also the v0.0.2 GitHub milestone.


  • Go version has been updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.23.3.


  • MSI installer for the ARM64 architecture in addition to the existing x86 and x64 installers.


  • Path to the executable is now validated when the application installs itself as a launchd service on macOS (#2).


  • The syslog log output on macOS (#3).

    NOTE: The implementation is actually a workaround for a known Go issue, and uses the /usr/bin/logger utility. This approach is suboptimal and will be improved once the Go issue is resolved.

  • DNS proxy logs being written to stderr instead of log.output (#1).

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