github AdaptiveConsulting/ReactiveTraderCloud v1.2.1
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.2.1

latest releases: v4.5.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.0...
4 years ago

v1.2.1 is a patch release that fixes inconsistent spot dates being displayed in the client, and an issue where the launcher sometimes launches the UAT version of Reactive Trader Cloud instead of the demo version.

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Matching spot dates

Spot dates are now consistent between the currency pair tiles, trade confirmations and the blotter. Spot dates in Reactive Trader are calculated as T+2 week days.

🐛 Bug Fix

  • [ARTP-900] - Launcher opens UAT version of Reactive Trader Cloud
  • [ARTP-907] - Incorrect date on the tile confirmation screen
  • [ARTP-908] - Incorrect date in the Value Date blotter column

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