github AcalaNetwork/Acala 2.0.2
Karura 2.0.2

latest releases: 2.25.0, 2.24.0, 2.23.0...
2 years ago

This is a full release that upgrades Substrate/Cumulus/Polkadot version. This also includes some improvement about liquid staking protocol and better support of foreign assets.

Upgrade Priority: HIGH


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨
Summary generated with srtool v0.9.18 using the docker image paritytech/srtool:1.56.1:
 Package     : karura-runtime v2.0.2
 GIT commit  : 60b7da527176c610b5fbf14c048ceb8a2cc7aedf
 GIT tag     : mandala-runtime-2002
 GIT branch  : release-karura-2.0.2
 Rustc       : rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)
 Time        : 2021-11-25T04:52:27Z

== Compact
 Version     : karura-2001 (karura-0.tx1.au1)
 Metadata    : V14
 Size        : 4.58 MB (4807272 bytes)
 Proposal    : 0xd04b9b3bbc08c070337c28ea13cb13a435215abb66ad14a9da5bc42db580411a
 IPFS        : QmbeV8iXbJknpWEvBjzeC8926DxQp9wt3SpVa19vDCfdNt
 BLAKE2_256  : 0x8df83c22646d6bc4e28326012f1b2b82ee4d497df6caafaf70788ab8ff146f06
 Wasm        : runtime/karura/target/srtool/release/wbuild/karura-runtime/karura_runtime.compact.wasm

== Compressed
 Version     : karura-2001 (karura-0.tx1.au1)
 Metadata    : V14
 Size        : 1.07 MB (1121127 bytes)
 Compression : 76.68%
 Proposal    : 0x4475cacb6e0612999c7287c715bad56e786ccb7bd905fb5a52884dec7b8d1f9a
 IPFS        : QmWVGq7w1t4ZeRbaowDFJ1bZRMyt9BsvYwsKcCU3agdJMQ
 BLAKE2_256  : 0x5ccf22068d3c24348197c80444ea105f9cc3f4e86859ae804fd5f76112911997
 Wasm        : runtime/karura/target/srtool/release/wbuild/karura-runtime/karura_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm
  • subwasm info
🏋️  Runtime size:		1.069 MB (1,121,127 bytes)
🗜  Compressed:			Yes, 76.68%
✨ Reserved meta:		OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
🔥 Core version:		karura-2001 (karura-0.tx1.au1)
🗳️  system.setCode hash:		0x4475cacb6e0612999c7287c715bad56e786ccb7bd905fb5a52884dec7b8d1f9a
🗳️  authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xecab701f330c543ed191f3d9cdaf51a5a50e81b747888a171831c19fd9c7484d
#️⃣  Blake2-256 hash:		0x5ccf22068d3c24348197c80444ea105f9cc3f4e86859ae804fd5f76112911997



  • Upgrade to polkadot-v0.9.12 (#1535)
  • Able to use KAR and LKSM for crosschain transfer fee (#1584)
  • Emit repatriate emit event (#1586)
  • Liquid Staking protocol periodic update exchange rate (#1538)
  • Add module asset registry (#1598)
  • Add improved liquid staking redeem match (#1626)
  • Implement FixedRateOfForeignAsset (#1623)

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