github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.98.43-beta

latest releases: v3.123.01, v3.122.21-beta, v3.122.01...
pre-release2 years ago

➡This is a BETA version, click here to get Stable version | 此为测试版, 点此获取稳定版

  • ⭐NEW Super-resolution Engine: RTX Super Resolution

  • ⭐新增超分辨率引擎: RTX Super Resolution

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因本软件属于独立开发的项目, 没有给某些杀毒软件交过保护费, 所以会被某些杀毒软件误报病毒.

Update Package | 增量更新包:

Update package for v3.98.01 and later versions | 适用于 v3.98.01 及以后版本 的更新包

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Change log | 更新日志:

- When upscaling and interpolating videos, videos with frame rate higher than the specified frame rate are no longer simply skipped, but only upscaled.
- Fix bug: Incomplete closing process.
- Fix typo.

- New Feature: [Auto Apply] option for Custom resolution: When adding new files, the current [Custom resolution] setting will be automatically applied to ALL files.
- Update FFmpeg
- Update ImageMagick
- Fix bug: Real-ESRGAN can not upscale media correctly when 2d and 3d models are different.
- Fix bug: When using certain settings, unable to encode video after upscale and frame interpolation.
- NEW Super-resolution Engine: RTX Super Resolution, a fast and light-weight upscaler designed for Nvidia RTX GPUs.
- Exclusive enhancements for RTX Super Resolution like Alpha channel support, various input/output formats and more.
- Right now RTX Super Resolution engine only supports image upscaling, other media formats will be supported in the incoming updates.
- Update about page.

- 当对视频同时进行放大和补帧时, 帧率高于指定帧率的视频不会被直接跳过, 这些视频会仅被放大.
- 修复问题: 退出流程不完整.
- 修复错字.

- 新特性: 为自定义分辨率新增[自动应用]选项: 当添加新文件时, 自动将当前自定义分辨率设定应用到所有文件.
- 更新 FFmpeg
- 更新 ImageMagick
- 修复问题: 当Real-ESRGAN引擎的2D与3D模型不同时, 可能无法正常放大媒体文件(图片,动图和视频).
- 修复问题: 使用某些设定时, 补帧加放大视频后可能无法正常编码视频.
- 新增超分辨率引擎: RTX Super Resolution, 为英伟达RTX显卡设计的快速超分辨率方式.
- 对RTX Super Resolution的多项独家改进: 支持处理带有透明通道的图片, 更多输入/输出格式等.
- 当前RTX Super Resolution引擎仍处于测试阶段, 暂时仅支持图片放大, 将在以后的更新中逐渐完善对其他媒体格式(如视频,动态图)的支持.
- 更新关于页面.

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