github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.89.01

latest releases: v3.118.12-beta, v3.118.01, v3.117.15-beta...
2 years ago

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Change log | 更新日志:

- Faster Real-CUGAN super-resolution, up to 60% faster than previous version
- Faster and more Efficient frame interpolationm when using RIFE.
- New feature: Add new option for Real-CUGAN, [Always use 2x models], could improve image clarity in some situations.
- New feature: Save images as JPEG XL format(.jxl)
- New feature: Now you can adjust image quality when save images as AVIF format
- Smarter auto model selection for Real-CUGAN
- Reduce the VRAM usage of RIFE
- Improve the auto multi-threading performance of RIFE
- Improve auto engine settings optimization.
- Fix multiple BUGs.

- 更快的 Real-CUGAN 动漫放大, 与老版本比最多快60%
- 更快,效率更高的RIFE视频补帧.
- 新特性: 为Real-CUGAN添加新选项, [总是使用2x模型], 在一些情况下可改进图像的清晰度.
- 新特性: 支持另存图片为 JPEG XL 格式(.jxl)
- 新特性: 另存图片为 AVIF 格式时支持调整图像质量
- 更智能的 Real-CUGAN 模型自动选择
- 减少RIFE的显存占用
- 改进RIFE的自动多线程性能
- 改进自动引擎设定优化.
- 修复多项问题.

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