github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.83.01

latest releases: v3.114.01, v3.113.24-beta, v3.113.01...
2 years ago

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Change log | 更新日志:

- NEW Feature: [Pre-processing Boost]: Remove ALL unnecessary duplicate frames in the video before processing. Can improve both the processing speed and effcet of frame interpolation.
- NEW Feature: [Remove dupduplicate frames ONLY (Video)]: ONLY remove all unnecessary dupduplicate frames in the video, no further processing.
- NEW Feature: [Remember window size].
- NEW Feature: [RAM Cache Validity Check] toggle, now you can use RAM Disk created by other software after disable this check.
- NEW Feature: [Auto Scroll] toggle for console.
- NEW Feature: Now GUI will be able to detect if the cache disk is full during frame interpolation and super-resolution.
- Global optimization, improve code efficiency, reduce GUI's CPU usage.
- Improve thread scheduling.
- Improve video quality, especially when using hardware encoder.
- Improve MP4 conversion.
- Update FFmpeg, ImageMagick.
- Many other improvements.
- Fix multiple bugs.

- 新特性: [预处理加速]: 处理视频前移除视频内所有无用重复帧.可以改进处理速度和补帧的效果.
- 新特性: [仅移除重复帧 (视频)]: 仅移除视频中的无用重复帧,不进行进一步处理.
- 新特性: [记忆窗口大小].
- 新特性: [内存缓冲有效性检查]开关, 现在你可以在禁用此检查后使用其他软件创建的内存盘.
- 新特性: 为控制台添加[自动滑动]开关.
- 新特性: GUI现在可以检测插帧或超分辨率期间, 缓存盘空间是否被填满.
- 全局优化, 提高代码效率, 降低GUI的CPU占用.
- 改进线程调度器.
- 改进视频画质,尤其是当使用硬件编码器时.
- 改进mp4转换流程.
- 更新 FFmpeg, ImageMagick.
- 其他诸多改进.
- 修复多项问题.

FULL Package | 完整安装包:

因本软件属于独立开发的项目, 没有给某些杀毒软件交过保护费, 所以会被某些杀毒软件误报病毒.

Update Package | 增量更新包:

你必须已经完整安装了对应的版本才能使用更新包, 如果装不明白请直接下载完整包.




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