github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.22.26

latest releases: v3.118.12-beta, v3.118.01, v3.117.15-beta...
3 years ago

✨ Support this project on Patreon to get access to the Premium version ✨

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➡Official telegram channel:

⚠If you need to process GIF, please switch to the ➡latest Beta version.

⚠如果您需要处理GIF, 请切换至➡最新的Beta版本.

✨NEW Super-Resolution Engine: SRMD-CUDA is available for the ➡Latest Beta Version.

➡Beta版本现已支持新的超分辨率引擎: SRMD-CUDA.

Change log:

  • New feature: Now you can choose to automatically open the output folder after processing all files by enabling [Auto-open after finished].
  • New option: [Ignore frame rate mode].
  • Credits page for Top Supporters(patreon).
  • Improve quality of the result video, and the naming of result files.
  • New options for system tray menu.
  • Fix several bugs, optimize performance and many other improvements.
  • ➡Full change log


  • 新特性: 现在您可以启用 [结束后自动打开] 以在处理完所有文件后自动打开输出文件夹.
  • 新选项: [忽略帧率模式].
  • 支持者名单页面(patreon).
  • 改进生成视频的画质, 以及生成文件的命名.
  • 为任务栏菜单添加更多选项.
  • 修复多项问题, 优化性能以及其他诸多改进.
  • ➡完整更新日志



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