github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.108.23-beta

latest releases: v3.123.01, v3.122.21-beta, v3.122.01...
pre-release14 months ago

➡This is a BETA version, click here to get Stable version | 此为测试版, 点此获取稳定版

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因本软件属于独立开发的项目, 没有给某些杀毒软件交过保护费, 所以会被某些杀毒软件误报病毒.

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Update package for v3.108.01 and later versions | 适用于 v3.108.01 及以后版本 的更新包

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Change log | 更新日志:

- NEW Feature: [Video Quality Factor], adjust video encoding quality when using software and hardware encoders. (location: additional settings tab)
- When output upscaled images, replace [_Compressed] with [_Q<Static Images Quality value>], like [_Q95], when [Static Images Quality] taken effect.

- NEW Feature: [Stop process new files], automatically stop after finished processing current tasks. (Location: Home tab, in the "Do nothing(when finished)" options list)
- NEW video subtitle processing method, better video compatibility.
- Automatically disable Dynamic RAM Cache after the RAM Disk is detached.
- Fix bug: When there are multiple subtitles in one video, the output video might be broken.

- 新特性: [视频质量值], 启用后可以随意调整视频编码质量, 使用软件和硬件编码器时均能生效. (位置: 附加设置选项卡)
- 输出放大后的图片时, 将[_Compressed]后辍替换为[_Q<静态图片质量值>]. 例如[_Q95], 当[静态图片质量值]生效时.

- 新特性: 为处理完成后的动作列表添加[停止处理新文件]选项, 处理完已经正在处理的文件就不再处理新文件.
- 新的字幕导入方式, 改进对视频的兼容性.
- 卸载内存盘后自动禁用动态内存缓冲.
- 修复问题: 当源视频包含多个字幕时, 处理后的视频若保留字幕可能无法正常播放.

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