github AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI v3.100.01

latest releases: v3.118.01, v3.117.15-beta, v3.117.01...
18 months ago

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Change log | 更新日志:

- Significantly improved [Files List] UI performance, up to 35x faster files loading speed in the test(16K media files in 800 folders)
- Improved code efficiency related to video, gif and apng processing.
- Code optimization, improved UI and scheduler performance.
- Improved video quality when using Nvidia video encoder
- Better video compatibility when using RTX Super-res.
- Improve mp4 conversion to avoid potential compatibility issue.
- Improved audio quality when encoding mp4 video.
- Improve stability of RTX Super Resolution engine.
- Simplified video compatibility checker.
- Add a "help" button next to the RTX Super-res on the compatibility test page.
- The result of the compatibility test button at the engine settings of RTX Super-res is now connected to the [Compatibility test] tab.
- Fix bug: Unable to upscale some videos when using RTX Super Resolution.
- Fix bug: Audio and video might out of sync when using RTX Super Resolution to upscale some videos.
- Fix bug: When using RTX Super Resolution, might unable to upscale video when frame interpolation is enabled.
- Fix bug: Unable to detect and fix some video compatibility issue of RTX Super Resolution.
- Fix bug: In some rare occasions, unable to detect duplicated files when loading files to [Files List].

- 大幅改进 [文件列表] UI 的性能, 在测试中文件加载速度至高提升35x (使用800个文件夹中的1万6个媒体文件进行测试)
- 改进与视频,GIF和APNG处理相关的代码效率.
- 优化代码, 改进UI和调度器性能.
- 改进使用英伟达视频编码器时的视频画质.
- 改进RTX Super-res的视频兼容性.
- 改进mp4转换流程以避免潜在兼容性问题.
- 改进编码mp4视频时的音频质量.
- 改进RTX Super Resolution引擎的稳定性.
- 简化视频兼容性检测流程.
- RTX Super-res引擎设置页的兼容性测试结果现已与兼容性测试页连接.
- 为兼容性测试页的RTX Super-res测试结果边上添加了"帮助"按钮.
- 修复问题: 使用 RTX Super Resolution 时无法放大部分视频.
- 修复问题: 使用 RTX Super Resolution 时, 部分视频的音频流和视频流不同步.
- 修复问题: 在极少数情况下, 向文件列表载入文件时检测不到重复的文件.
- 修复问题: 使用 RTX Super Resolution 时, 若启用补帧可能无法正常放大视频.
- 修复问题: 无法检测到部分视频与 RTX Super Resolution 的兼容性问题.

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