github ADD-SP/ngx_waf v9.0.5
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2 years ago

[9.0.5] - 2021-10-09 UTC+0800

New test suite

By chance, I found a test suite: test-nginx.
It looked great, so I wrote a lot of test cases and tested with it. Unfortunately I found a lot of bugs, very wise of me.


  • Removed useless debug log.

  • More debug log.


  • Sometimes the connection is closed prematurely.

  • When CAPTCHA is enabled, the request body inspection may be wrong.

  • CAPTCHA may fail due to HTTP caching.

  • Memory leak when reloading nginx.

  • Failed to properly merge directive waf_cache from different contexts.

  • Failed to properly merge directives waf_cc_deny from different contexts.

  • Failed to inherit Referer blacklist different contexts.

  • Failed to properly handle incorrect command syntax.

  • Fixed a default rule of URL.

  • Fixed the following files so that the page can be refreshed automatically after the CAPTCHA is completed.

    • assets/hCaptcha.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv2_Checkbox.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv2_Invisible.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv3.html

[9.0.5] - 2021-10-09 UTC+0800


看完之后感觉很好便拿来测试,编了不少测试用例,果不其然发现了一大堆 Bug,不愧是我。


  • 删除了无用的调试日志。

  • 更多的调试日志。


  • 有时连接会被过早地关闭。

  • 启用 CAPTCHA 后请求体的检测结果可能会出错。

  • CAPTCHA 可能会因为 HTTP 缓存而失败。

  • 重载 nginx 时存在内存泄露。

  • 未能正确合并上层配置块的 waf_cache 指令。

  • 未能正确合并上层配置块的 waf_cc_deny 指令。

  • 未能正确继承上层配置块的 Referer 黑名单。

  • 未能正确识别一些错误的配置。

  • 修复了一条默认的 URL 黑名单规则。

  • 修复了下列文件,使得验证码完成后可以自动刷新网页。

    • assets/hCaptcha.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv2_Checkbox.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv2_Invisible.html
    • assets/reCAPTCHAv3.html

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