github ADD-SP/ngx_waf v6.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: v10.1.2, v6.1.9, v10.1.1...
pre-release2 years ago

[6.0.0-beta.1] - 2021-07-05 UTC+0800


  • This release contains some breaking changes.

  • Advanced rules have a high performance cost because the principle is to compile the rules into a series of instructions that are then executed by the VM.

Upgrade from 5.x.x to 6.x.x

  1. Create a new empty file named advanced in the rules directory.

  2. If the directive waf_priority is used, you can delete it or modify it according to the directive in the documentation.


  • Advanced rules are supported, see the documentation for details.


  • Updated the directive waf_priority, see the documentation for details.

[6.0.0-beta.1] - 2021-07-05 UTC+0800


  • 本次更新有一些不向下兼容的改动。

  • 高级规则的执行速度较慢,因为其原理是将规则编译成一系列指令,然后由虚拟机执行。

从 5.x.x 升级到 6.x.x

  1. 在规则目录下新建一个名为 advanced 的空文件。
  2. 如果使用了配置项 waf_priority,可以将其删除或者按照文档中对该配置项的说明进行修改。


  • 支持了高级规则,详情见文档。


  • 更新了配置项 waf_priority,详情见文档。

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