github ACINQ/phoenix android-v2.0.15
Phoenix Android v2.0.15

latest releases: android-v2.3.1, ios-v2.3.0, android-v2.3.0...
6 months ago

ℹ️ Migration for existing legacy wallets (v1.x)

Users upgrading from the legacy app (1.x) to 2.x will need to migrate to be able to use 2.x features. See the 2.0.0 release notes for details about the migration process. You can see what version you are currently using in Settings > About.

Hotfix release

This release fixes an incorrect error message displayed when opening the Send screen (#487).

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped

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