github ACINQ/phoenix android-legacy-v1.4.8
Phoenix v1.4.8

latest releases: ios-v2.2.4, ios-v2.2.3, ios-v2.2.2...
3 years ago

Main changes

The channel creation fee for pay-to-open has been increased: it's still 0.1% but there is now a 1000 sat minimum. The manual confirmation dialog and asynchronous pay-to-open logic have been removed. The FTUE page regarding the channel opening cost has been updated as well as the swap-in dialog so that we can display this new fee minimum value.

Complete list of changes

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key E434ED292E85643A. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import padioupm.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped

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