github ACINQ/phoenix android-legacy-v1.4.0
Phoenix 1.4.0

latest releases: android-v2.2.4, ios-v2.2.6, android-v2.2.3...
3 years ago

Main changes

Background payment reception

The app can now wake up to process an incoming payment or a fulfilled HTLC. Users do not have to start their app manually to receive a payment, thus removing the synchronization requirement between sender and receiver. This feature uses Firebase Cloud Messaging. Messages relayed by FCM do not contain any details about payments.

When the wake up message arrives, a sticky notification is displayed. The peer will pause the payment and wait ~20/30 seconds for the app to accept the payment, or fail the payment downstream. If the payment succeeds, the notification will show the amount received.

Access control changes

The seed is now encrypted using a new improved format leveraging the Android Keystore to protect the seed and allowing the node to run background tasks. The device's TEE/SE will be used when possible. The legacy PIN used on existing wallets is deprecated and migrated to the new format after updating the app. Wallet is locked with the system screen lock (schema/PIN/fingerprint...).

An additional security setting is available, requiring users to authenticate with fingerprint each time the seed is decrypted. This setting may improve security on rooted device (*) but obviously disables background processing features.

(*) We don't recommend using Bitcoin wallets (except on Testnet) on a rooted phone.

Automatic channel creation

Channels are now created automatically. A setting lets users revert to the existing behaviour and manually confirm channel creation on a case-by-case basis. An Android notification is displayed if needed to let users react in time.

Custom default description

Default payment description is now empty, and can be changed by users.

Intro screens

A short intro has been added for new installs, with 3 screens containing information about the automatic channel creation mechanism (including price) and the seed.

Payment metadata

Payments for swap-in/swap-out, or payments that open/close channels will now contain a bit more information, like the on-chain address, or the fee cost for opening a channel. on-chain explorer

Users can now use either or (now the default explorer).

Faster start

Wallet will use its last known feerates when bootstrapping.

Complete list of changes

Thanks @ibertario @mautematico @bitcoinuser @fiatjaf for their contributions.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key E434ED292E85643A. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import padioupm.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped

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