github 99designs/gqlgen v0.13.0

latest releases: v0.17.49, v0.17.48, v0.17.47...
3 years ago


  • IsResolver added to FieldContext - #1316


  • BC break: User errors returned from directives & resolvers are now consistently wrapped in gqlerror.Errors internally by the runtime, which has been updated to support go 1.13 unwrapping - #1312
    • Since #1115 was merged, errors from inputs have been wrapped, but didn't support unwrapping, leading to #1291
    • With all errors now wrapped before the error presenter is called, custom error presenters that use type assertions will be broken.
    • errors.As must instead be used to assert/convert error types in custom error presenters.
    • See the updated docs on customising the error presenter and the blog post on go 1.13 errors for more details.
  • Typos & tweaks to docs - #1295, #1324

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