github 9001/copyparty v1.1.6
not copyparty

latest releases: v1.13.3, v1.13.2, v1.13.1...
2 years ago
  • latest gzip edition of the sfx: v1.0.14

new features

  • option --doctitle changes the titles in the web-ui from "copyparty" to something else
  • option --wintitle sets the console window-title, defaults to the primary/external IP
  • volume-flags d2ds and d2ts to selectively disable on-boot indexing for some volumes
  • support funky linux distros (with no ~/.config and read-only /tmp such as recent Termux builds)


  • last release broke folder listings if you left off the trailing slash in the url
    • also fix the markdown-editor breadcrumbs which made that very obvious
  • when running without -e2d, don't proactively create symlinks for dupe uploads
    • prevents the client from accidentally pushing superflous links
  • ui didn't update correctly when navigating into a folder with indexing disabled

other changes

  • less indentation of outermost lists in the markdown viewer
  • update some dependencies
    • marked 3.0.4 -> 4.0.6 fixes a performance regression in huge documents

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