github 5etools-mirror-2/ v1.208.0

10 days ago

v1.208.0, "Oddities" Edition

  • Added Dynamic Map Viewer support to Vecna: Eve of Ruin and Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
  • Added Vecna: Eve of Ruin misc NPC tokens; replaced "text" tokens
  • Added "Preferences" navbar Settings option, replacing the "Day Mode/Night Mode" and "Enable Wide Mode" options, as well as integrating some secretly-global Markdown export settings.
  • Changed background of default Night Mode from crosshatch pattern to noise pattern; the crosshatch pattern is now available as "Night Mode (Classic)", and the old flat-color "Alt" background is now available as "Night Mode (Clean)"
  • Added "Prerequisite" filter to the Backgrounds page
  • Added more options to the Feats page "Other Prerequisite" filter
  • Added searching by source abbreviation to the Maps page
  • Added "Select All" checkbox to Table View column selection UI
  • Updated Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy content to latest version (as of 2024-05-13)
  • Fixed recipes failing to load in hover windows; inline blocks
  • Fixed Bestiary Table View failing to load when some creatures were listed
  • Fixed Initiative Tracker Creature Viewer failing to select source tracker when in the presence of multiple trackers
  • (Brew) Specific item variants now inherit generic variant fluff, if no specific variant fluff is provided
  • (Brew) Overhauled entry prettifier, allowing more data (including "subEntities") to be prettified
  • (Brew) Added "_copy" resolution check; un-resolved "_copy"s (e.g. due to a missing dependency) will now throw errors early
  • (Brew) Improved interaction between race "_copy" and "lineage"
  • (Brew) Fixed sub-filters (e.g. Bestiary "Ability Scores" filters) failing to trim unused values after homebrew is deleted
  • (Brew) Fixed application of "setProp" "_copy._mod" when using no parent property
  • (Fixed typos/added tags)

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