Version 3.15.2 marks a major update of the Safe web-app. We call it the Unified App.
- You can now view your Safes on different networks (Mainnet, Polygon, BSC etc) in the same sidebar
- We introduced EIP-3770-style addresses (for now, just in the URL)
Single domain for all chains
Previously, we had separate app builds running on separate subdomains for each network. E.g.
This is not the case anymore. There's just one single build on the unified domain – The legacy subdomains will be redirecting to the unified domain.
Migrating the localStorage
Since a lot of Safe data is stored locally on your computer (e.g. your Address Book, added Safes), it was important for us to migrate the data across subdomains. If you've used Safes on different networks and had separate Address Books and other data, this will be now automatically merged to the localStorage on the unified domain.