github 4ian/GDevelop v5.3.189

latest releases: v5.4.205, v5.4.204, v5.4.203...
4 months ago

💝 Improvements

Changes on 3D models and objects

  • Keep 3D model origin as part of the object when used as the object origin
    • In case you choose "Model origin" for the "Origin point" property and the model origin is outside of the model, the model size may be smaller than in previous releases. To solve the issue you can:
      • Choose one of the other options for the "Origin point" property
      • Reset the "Scaling factor" to its previous value to get back the same size as before
      • Modify the model to set the origin nearer to the geometry
    • Also fix the scaling of flat 3D models
  • Select the highest 3D objects first

Other improvements

  • Allow to set the text outline and shadow from the object editor
    • Avoid the shadow to be cut out.
    • Fix the shadow angle action.
  • Collapse advanced behavior properties
  • Add new preference for resource importation in the project folder (for desktop projects)
  • Allow to select instances with a selection rectangle starting from within another instance holding Shift
  • Add possibility to cancel edition with Piskel/Jfxr/Yarn from the editor
  • Hide play tab for student profiles
  • Put Instances list search bar at the same place as the other panels in Scene editor
  • Improve game templates and examples display on build page
  • Add autocompletion for "input type" action of text input objects
  • Avoid event-functions to be selected when their menu is shown
  • Avoid showing a loader on profile and user chip on subsequent loads
  • Use the object name as the default new image name in Piskel
  • Show installed version in the extension detail dialog

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix add assets button from shop being always visible
  • Fix a crash when exporting assets sharing the same resources
  • Fix particle emitters not deleting itself when all their particles die before being displayed
  • Fix game template/example search when there are only game templates matching
  • Fix a missing parameter in the sentence of the tween progress condition
  • Fix version history displaying loader on locally-stored projects
  • Fix action/condition selector not updating on object change
  • Fix behavior function renaming
  • Fix the orthographic camera zoom update and its default Z position

⚙️ Extensions


  • [Mouse pointer lock] Fix an error when used with Safari on iOS (Thanks @PANDAKO-GitHub!)
    • Avoid errors when running the "Request Pointer Lock" and "Exit pointer lock" actions in Safari on iOS.


  • [3D raycaster] Fix a typo in a parameter name
  • [3D walk] Turn and move objects forward and sideway (Thanks @Mahan-Ashrafi and @sg631)
  • [3D collision] Check collision and distance between 3D objects (Thanks @VanCastar!)
  • [3D jump] Jump and fall along Z axis (Thanks @gabrielzv1233 and @VanCastar!)

🎨 Assets


by Khron Studio:

  • RPG Interface Essentials - Inventory & Dialog
  • RPG Interface Essentials: Character and Hub

by GDevelop:

  • Tamagochi Props & Background


  • [Menu buttons] Add 3 new Prefabs buttons
  • Change configuration for any 3D model: make their top on Z+

🕹 Examples

  • [3D fist person] Smoother movement and add jump
  • [Tween test] Add a scene for 3D tweens

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