github 3urobeat/steam-comment-service-bot 2.13.0
Version 2.13.0

latest releases: 2.15.2, 2.15.1, 2.15.0...
13 months ago

Changes of note (TL;DR):

  • Added new commands: !upvote, !downvote, !favorite, !unfavorite, !reload
  • Added support for commenting on sharefiles (screenshots, artworks & guides)
  • Added a completely new plugin system, command handler system and improved the data management system
  • Greatly improved handling of long and failed steam chat messages
  • Reworked the whole application for better code quality and expansibility
  • Added some miscellaneous new features, for example a progress bar during startup, owners not friend with main account check and warning counter
  • Fixed a lot of bugs

If you are using a customlang.json, make sure to read the language string changes at the end and update your file.



  • Added new commands: !upvote, !downvote, !favorite, !unfavorite, !reload
  • Added support for commenting, voting & favorizing sharedfiles by updating !comment and adding two new commands as mentioned above!
    • Added a library patches system to load my changes until my PR to the SteamCommunity library gets accepted
    • Added support for figuring out sharedfile IDs to the handleSteamIdResolving() helper
    • Added a ratingHistory database to track which bot accounts have voted on or favorized which item
  • Added a completely new plugin system, co-author @DerDeathraven #174
    • Added a plugin loader which dynamically loads all installed npm packages with the prefix steam-comment-bot- @DerDeathraven #174
    • Added new template plugin which you can fork here to create your own plugin
    • Added plugin functions: load, ready, statusUpdate, steamGuardInput
    • Added plugin data directory and functions to handle data reading & writing: getPluginDataPath, loadPluginData, writePluginData, loadPluginConfig, writePluginConfig
    • Added a reload system to apply changes at runtime for development using command !reload
  • Added a separate data management system
    • Added dataProcessing helper to handle converting group & ownerids
    • Added support for repairing defaultlang.json and quotes.txt
    • Added a handleCooldown helper
    • Added warning for long language strings
  • Added a Controller event system
    • Added events: ready, statusUpdate, steamGuardInput
    • steamGuardInput event allows plugins to submit steam guard codes as well
  • Added a command handler system
    • Added restrictAdditionalCommandsToOwners setting to advancedconfig.json to restrict specific commands to owners only. Supports aliases.
    • Added system for dynamically loading core commands on start
    • Added functions for registering & unregistering commands at runtime
    • Added a reload system to apply changes at runtime for development using command !reload
    • Added a respond module system that supports the usage of core commands from different sources. Callers can supply this information to the resInfo object: steamID64, prefix, cmdprefix, charLimit, cutChars
    • Command prefixes are now replaced dynamically in language strings, based on the cmdprefix value in resInfo. If omitted, the default prefix "!" will be used
    • Steam Chat message prefixes are now added dynamically based on the prefix value in resInfo
  • Added a proper steam chat message handler
    • Send long log messages in intelligently cut parts to not break links etc.
    • Retry failed messages with increasing delay and ignore them on certain errors
    • Added a typing indicator when the bot is waiting for the next msg part to be sent
  • Added a readChatInput helper function to get user input from the steam chat
  • Added algorithm for handling tokens that either expire soon or are already expired
  • Added proxy support to the sessionHandler
  • Added an EStatus enum for storing the online status of every bot account
  • Added more misc helpers and referenced them from Controller
    • Added getAvailableAccounts(), timeToString() and cutStringsIntelligently() helper
  • Added support for forcing an update from a compatibility feature
  • Added support for accepting logins from the Mobile Steam App
  • Added support for setting a primary group by loading a patch until my PR to the SteamCommunity library gets accepted
  • Added support for requesting free games licenses for missing games set in config.json. This also adds a listener for the SteamUser ownershipCached event
  • Added Controller restart() & stop() functions to replace all manual process.send()'s
  • Added Controller getBots() helper function to easily get bot accounts filtered by status
  • Added proper JsDoc documentation for every function & object for full IntelliSense support and generated d.ts file for TypeScript support
  • Added a different finished message sent to users when their request was aborted
  • Added a different message sent to users if either not enough unlimited accounts are found for a request or the bot has none at all
  • Added check with warning message on ready for owners who are not friend with the main bot account
  • Added a fancy progress bar to startup, powered by my output-logger library
  • Added startup warnings counter with log message on ready
  • Added compatibility feature for update from 2.12 to 2.13



  • Reworked basically the whole application to follow a proper object oriented approach
  • Reworked login function to wait for last user object to populate before calling ready event
  • Reworked comment cmd to support profiles, groups and sharedfiles from the same command instead of 3
  • Reworked comment cmd to work with the new OOP structure and reduced complexity
  • Reworked comment error handler
  • Reworked lots of messages and comment cmd references to be applicable to other request types as well
  • Reworked retry comments algorithm to work with the new OOP structure
  • Reworked how references to bot accounts are stored
  • Reworked how imported logininfo data is formatted & stored
  • Reworked checkAvailability & getAccountOrder helpers with a better getAvailableAccounts helper
  • Reworked getCommentArgs to work with new OOP structure
  • Reworked logger to work with the new OOP structure
  • Reworked friendlist helper to work with the new OOP structure
  • Reworked checkMsgBlock helper to the new OOP structure
  • Reworked message prefixes to be prepended dynamically instead of being hardcoded to support different message destinations (e.g. a Discord plugin)
  • Reworked the existing webserver plugin to work with the new OOP structure
  • Simplified skippedaccounts system
  • Simplified proxy index calculation for all bot accounts
  • Simplified waitTime & commentCounter calculation
  • Improved !failed command to group the same request errors together
  • Improved login function to handle filtering and relogging
  • Improved log footprint of updater
  • Improved error messages when file can't be restored and make sure to stop the bot
  • Updated error & disconnect events to work with the improved login function
  • Updated sessionHandler to work with the new OOP structure
  • Updated handleLoginTimeout() to work with the new OOP structure
  • Updated the updater itself and its prepareUpdate(), createBackup(), customUpdateRules(), downloadUpdate() and restoreBackup() helpers to work with the new OOP structure
  • Updated all compatibility features to work with the new OOP structure
  • Updated various core commands to work with the new OOP structure
  • Replaced activecommentprocess object with an activeRequests object that supports other request types as well
  • Removed additionalaccinfo obj and replaced usage with new system
  • Converted all event listeners to use OOP structure



  • Fixed the webserver plugin from being completely broken #172
  • Fixed return parameters of checkConnection
  • Fixed webSession looping caused by broken botsgroup check
  • Fixed accounts.txt import still checking for loginfo.json
  • Fixed limited check sometimes failing because user object was not fully populated instantly after login
  • Fixed login function not waiting correctly between accounts
  • Fixed botIsReady not being updated when logAfterReady is empty
  • Fixed singular comment requests not being handled correctly
  • Fixed first comment process iteration being counted in until calculation
  • Fixed possible inconsistencies in comment error checks by forcing them to lowercase
  • Fixed relog on error not using advancedconfig relogTimeout
  • Fixed duplicate SessionHandler object being created on relogs
  • Fixed prepareUpdate() response message sometimes failing by increasing log off delay
  • Fixed bot softlocking on start when ownerids array is empty
  • Fixed !help and !info commands inflating message length with unnecessary whitespaces
  • Fixed error on update when certain data.json keys were missing
  • Fixed friendlist checks failing when accounts were skipped
  • Fixed cooldown issues when cooldown is disabled and process got aborted
  • Fixed a data check error on broken internet connection by checking it beforehand
  • Fixed handleLoginTimeout causing a DuplicateRequest error on 2FA input
  • Fixed output-logger causing crash when running bot with pm2 #48
  • Fixed potential bug where whenAvailableStr in comment command could display wrong information if allAccounts was empty or if more accounts got removed after the activeRequests loop ran 9e6c569
  • Fixed/Removed minor unnecessary checks in comment command
  • Fixed user added while offline message being able to fail because it was sent too early after logging in



  • Removed support for the old login flow: f5957bb
  • Removed v2.13 login flow change notification message
  • Removed disableCommentCmd setting from advancedconfig.json and replaced it with restrictAdditionalCommandsToOwners array
  • Removed enableurltocomment setting from advancedconfig.json. Toggling the webserver plugin is now done in the plugin config in the plugins directory #172
  • Removed urlrequestsecretkey from data.json. This key is now stored in the plugin config in the plugins directory. The update will cause a new key to be generated. #172
  • Removed most global variables
  • Removed (nearly) every usage of var
  • Removed lots of unnecessary variables that are now replaced by better systems
  • Removed main.js
  • Removed old relogAccount helper
  • Removed old unused 2.10 -> 2.11 compatibility files
  • Tokens will now be invalidated on AccessDenied login error
  • Renamed command file commentmisc.js to requests.js
  • Moved error handlers to a separate helper file
  • Moved various updater, controller & bot helper files to new objects
  • Moved various log messages to log at more appropriate times
  • Shortened most comment error descriptions
  • Improved eslint styling rules, formatting & code quality and added prettier config @DerDeathraven #171
  • Updated dependencies
  • Tons of fixes for features that have been added in this update and are therefore not listed here
  • Minor other changes
A lot of language strings have changed to mention sharedfiles for example. This list is long, to see it click me
  • These language keys have been added:
    • updaterautoupdatedisabled
    • commentnoaccounts
    • commentnounlimitedaccs
    • commentsuccess
    • votenoaccounts
    • voterequestless
    • votenotenoughavailableaccs
    • voteprocessstarted
    • votesuccess
    • favoritenoaccounts
    • favoriterequestless
    • favoritenotenoughavailableaccs
    • favoriteprocessstarted
    • favoritesuccess
    • invalidnumber
    • invalidsharedfileid
    • errloadingsharedfile
    • idalreadyreceiving
    • idoncooldown
    • requestaborted
    • reloadcmdreloaded
    • activerelog
  • These language keys have been removed:
    • pleasedontspam
    • commentactiverelog
    • commentcmdowneronly
    • commentuseroncooldown
    • commentuseralreadyreceiving
    • commentglobaloncooldown
    • commentinvalidnumber
    • commentaccslimitedremoved
    • commentsuccess1
    • commentsuccess2
    • commentlimitederror
    • botmaintenance
  • These language key's values have changed:
    • note
    • commentcmdusageowner
    • commentcmdusageowner2
    • commentcmdusage
    • commentcmdusage2
    • commentinvalidid
    • commentprofileidowneronly
    • commentzeroavailableaccs
    • commentnotenoughavailableaccs
    • commentuserprofileprivate
    • commenterroroccurred
    • commentprocessstarted
    • commentfailedcmdreference
    • commentretrying
    • useradded
    • userspamblock
    • usernotfriend
    • botnotready
    • commandnotfound
    • commandowneronly
    • invalidprofileid
    • idisownererror
    • updatecmdforce
    • updatecmdcheck
    • restartcmdrestarting
    • stopcmdstopping
    • helpjoingroup
    • ownercmdmsg
    • abortcmdnoprocess
    • abortcmdsuccess
    • settingscmdvaluechanged
    • failedcmdmsg
    • unfriendallcmdpending
    • unfriendallcmdstart
    • leaveallgroupscmdabort
    • leaveallgroupscmdpending
    • leaveallgroupscmdstart
    • blockcmdsuccess
    • unblockcmdsuccess
    • evalcmdturnedoff
    • childbotmessage

This list was generated using my langStringsChangeDetector.js script.


This update is the largest yet and took ~2.5 months with many full days.
332 commits have been added, 10962 lines have been added and 11894 removed.
Check out the full PR here.

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