github 3liz/lizmap-web-client 3.7.0

latest releases: 3.8.0-rc.1, 3.7.8, 3.6.13...
6 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.0

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called
If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.0
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.1 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.1
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14-3 15-3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Added ⭐

  • New theme of the Lizmap Web Client interface
  • Dataviz
    • Use the popup title when showing plot in a popup
    • Respect the new option "trigger filter" to avoid filtering the plot on layer filtered
    • The editor can now configure how the plots will be organized in the web interface.
      A new Drag & Drop layout tab has been added in Lizmap plugin Dataviz tab,
      which allows to create tabs and groups like it can be done for forms.
  • Legend
    • Add checkbox in the legend to enable/disable some symbols within the layer
    • Add symbols of the legend item by default for all layers and rendering rules
    • Group project-background-color to display the default background color
    • Use any base layer as a background, the usage of legacy keywords osm-mapnik etc. is now deprecated
    • These new background layers must be in a group called baselayers.
  • Improve the "QGIS theme" feature
  • Editing
    • Better user experience with 1-n relations: the data tables of the related child layers
      now respect the position configured in the QGIS editing drag&drop designer.
    • Add a combobox in the popup to allow creating a new child feature for the related
      layers. This will allow creating child features directly from the parent popup.
    • Add some constraints : distance, angle when adding a new geometry
    • Add a button to paste a geometry
  • Drawing tool
    • New display for measurements on the map
    • Set feature's color individually
    • Delete features individually
    • Draw text on the map canvas
      • Rotation
      • Scaling
  • Form filter: Allow using a second field for the numeric type like it is already possible for dates.
    This is useful when the layer features contain two fields describing a minimum and maximum value of the same property.
  • Action module
    • New support for project and layer scopes: the actions can now be used outside the popup, for a specific chosen layer or as a generic project action.
      • A new web component <lizmap-action-selector> is used to let the user choose an action and run it (for the layer and project scopes)
      • A new dock is available and shows the list of the project actions, with buttons to run an action and another to reset the results.
      • For the layers with actions configured, a click on the layer in the legend also shows the action selector and buttons and allows running this layer actions
    • An SVG icon can be used instead of a bootstrap icon as a background of the popup action buttons
    • the current map extent and map center are sent as parameters in WKT format (projection EPSG:4326) and can be used in the PostgreSQL function
    • Actions can be run from external JavaScript scripts, for example:
      // Run an action
      lizMap.mainLizmap.action.runLizmapAction(actionName, scope = 'feature', layerId = null, featureId = null, wkt = null);
      // Reset the action
    • A WKT in EPSG:4326 can also be sent as an additional parameter.
      This is only possible when running the action with JavaScript.
      This allows to send a geometry to be used by the PostgreSQL action
      (for example, to get data from another table with geometries intersecting this passed WKT geometry)
    • The JavaScript and HTML code has been modernized (no more jQuery calls, usage of web components, etc.)
  • Review of the permalink feature
    • The URL is now automatically updated when we pan or zoom, or check/uncheck some layers
  • Print configurations.
    • For each layout, you can:
      • enable/disable it
      • set allowed groups
      • set formats and default one
      • set DPIs and default one
      • set a custom icon for a QGIS atlas layout in the feature's popup
    • New user interface for printing
      • print area is now displayed as a mask on the map
      • an advanced panel allows you to:
        • set X/Y parameters for the grid
        • set main map rotation
        • set DPI
  • Add MGRS coordinates display on the map
  • Support of the Webdav attachement widget (contributions from @mind84) :
    • Upload and delete files on a Webdav server from Lizmap Web Client
    • View files stored in a webdav server within a Lizmap popup
  • Set a custom title on the landing page, instead of "Projects"
  • On the landing page, possible to add some content in the footer.
    It's set in the administration interface, then "Landing page"
  • Login
    • New password security checker
    • Add possibility to log with an email

Changed ♻

  • Avoid downloading the default project image multiple times.
    This improves the first load of the project page
  • Change the configurations of the Lizmap editing form fields published with autocompletion
    • add a delay of 300ms to lessen the number of requests sent to the server
    • add a minimum of 3 characters to trigger the autocompletion
    • the search is now accent-insensitive : You can type forets and it will find Forêts
  • Refactor the geobookmark feature
  • Javascript events lizmapeditionfeaturecreated and lizmapeditionfeaturemodified
  • Update URLs from the French IGN map provider
  • Fix increase the login length in the database in order to use email as logins
  • The minimal length of password is now 12 characters to improve the security
  • The keyword overview for a group in the legend is not case-sensitive

Deprecated ⚙

  • The AtlasPrint QGIS server plugin should be removed from the installation. It's not used anymore.
  • Layers called osm-mapnik, ign-photo, google-satellite etc

Fixed 🐛

  • Fix typo about wrong key used for caching an embedded layer, contribution from @mind84
  • Fix selected default style on a WMS layer
  • In the Lizmap atlas, fix the popup when the name has an accent or a space
  • Do not block the loading of the map if the layer name is wrong in a permalink
  • Round the I and J parameters of WMS GetFeatureInfo service, contributions from @mind84
  • Display the reverse geometry button only for linestring and polygons, not for points
  • When creating/editing a geometry, check the spatial constraint
  • Fix an error about GetFeatureInfo and GetFilterToken requests to QGIS server
  • Fix cascade layer's filter to use the parent WMS name instead of the layer name
  • Fix latest features about QGIS layouts : groups allowed, order etc
  • Fix getting the table for sub-queries with escaped double-quotes
  • Use layer name as option label for locate-by-layer selector in mobile
  • Editing & Filter - Fix editing right access from popup
  • Warning about "qgsmtime" for an embedded layer

Removed 🌀

  • Some code about OpenLayers 2

Backend ⛽

  • Upgrade Lizmap Web Client target minimum version to 3.4
  • A lot of JavaScript code cleanups
  • Remove some old code about QGIS Server 2
  • Switch to PHP 8.1 in the docker image
  • Update of Jelix to version 1.8.4
  • Update some PHP packages
  • Update OpenLayers to 8.2.0
  • Update proj4 to 2.9.2
  • Update Plotly.js to 2.16.3
  • Update some JavaScript dependencies
  • Fix some PHP notice when running PHP 8, contribution from @Antoviscomi

Funders 🙂

The Lizmap team 🦎

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