QGIS Server version default value set to 2.18
- OSM Stamen Toner is added to GetPrint even if corresponding layer is not defined
- WFS layers with QGIS shortName are not supported by Lizmap
- Fixing the way to load Layer CRS for locateByLayers
- Fixing the way to use layers with shortName
- Update WFS FeatureId with typeName
- Use a selection token to avoid too big WMS urls
- QgisVectorLayer - Use service when given in datasource
- Fix HTTP header in lizmapProxy
- Print error when selecting features in more than 1 layer
- Fix getRemoteData to choose GET or POST
- Layer names disappear when clicking twice on 'deploy all'
- QgisProjectVersion was not calculated correctly
- Default layers order in Web Client
- Edition - NULL for boolean instead of ''
- data tool - align dock top with layers dock top
- For embedded layers, verifying the values are not empty
- Find layer based on shortName
- improve install.md about packages and debug