github 1fexd/LinkSheet 0.0.7

latest releases: LinkSheet-1694618491389-master-ac7e2d8-foss-nightly, test, 0.0.33...
16 months ago
  • Add search to "Apps which can open links"
  • Properly display system apps in "Apps which can open links"
  • Implement copy url button and settings toggle (#2)
  • Implement single tap and settings toggle (#3)
  • Display toast when opening app set to "Always"
  • Display dialog with list of verified hosts in "Preferred apps" when app is set to "Always" open any link on the list
  • Add preferred browser setting: Display no browsers, always display all browsers, select a browser to display
  • Display text when no app can handle link
  • Allow sorting by usage stats
  • Add "Send to" button and settings toggle which allows the user to share the url to other apps (as if they clicked on a "Share to" button in any other app)
  • Add app as target for "Share to" / "Send to" actions

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