github 1Password/connect-helm-charts v1.1.0

latest releases: connect-1.15.0, connect-1.14.0, connect-1.13.0...
3 years ago


  • Connect's chart readme should now show up on ArtifactHub.
  • Helm's native .Release.Namespace is now used for setting the Chart's namespace. {#13}
  • A Node selector stanza can be used for the Connect and Operator pods.
  • Setting a token for the operator has been clarified in the readme. {#16}
  • Resources now follow Helm's best practice for standard labels. {#11}


  • The fixed port value for the NodePort service has been removed to resolve conflicts with previously initialized services. Kubernetes will now automatically choose a free port. {#22}


  • Security Context was added to all containers to limit their default permissions. {#25}

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