github 0xSpaceShard/starknet-hardhat-plugin v0.6.0

2 years ago

Usage related changes

  • Introduced timestamp manipulation functions (Devnet only):
    • starknet.devnet.setTime(1000)
    • starknet.devnet.increaseTime(500)
  • Added support for named tuples, nested tuples and type aliases as function arguments.
  • Adapted to cairo-lang/starknet 0.9.0:
    • Introduced the declare method to the StarknetFactory class:
      • const classHash = await contractFactory.declare()
  • Updated the Argent account version used (v0.2.2):
      • Guardian not used by default anymore (it's set to 0).
      • Initialization with a fundedAccount required after deployment:
        • const acc = <ArgentAccount> await starknet.deployAccount("Argent")
        • await acc.initialize({ fundedAccount, maxFee })
    • Useful scripts:
  • Updated the OpenZeppelin account version used (OZ commit b27101eb8).
  • Automatically fetching -arm docker images on arm64 computers.
  • Fixed support for interaction with Devnet on WSL and mac when used with the dockerizedVersion of the plugin.
  • Adapted to the new Voyager verification API.
  • Added support for relative paths as arguments to getContractFactory.
  • integrated-devnet - docs:
    • Not marked as experimental anymore.
    • Added args property to integratedDevnet hardhat config definition to allow passing Devnet CLI arguments (e.g. --lite-mode).

Development related changes

  • Reduced amount of tests done on alpha-goerli.
  • Using sleep-check-loop in devnet tests.
  • This version was not published to npm via CircleCI because the network (alpha-goerli) was too slow - that's why if one observes CI information they might see the workflow having failed and the npm-publish task never having been executed.

Merged PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.5...v0.6.0

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